October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Tampa Bay #1Thing Nationwide, victims and survivors of domestic violence come together to mourn the lives lost to domestic violence. In Tampa Bay, communities will gather to continue to make progress in ending this  epidemic. There are several events that will take place to help to create change. We've provided [...]

2024-10-08T21:36:02+00:00October 8th, 2024|Family Law Attorneys|0 Comments

Do Collaborative Divorces Have Better Outcomes?

Collaborative Divorce, Tampa Bay If you're wondering if a collaborative divorce might be the right choice for you, Tampa divorce Attorney Nilo J Sanchez provides some basic fundamentals in the collaborative divorce process. A collaborative property settlement agreement usually results in very positive endings. This can help couples move forward to a new chapter in [...]

2024-05-22T21:35:16+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Tampa divorce|0 Comments

Emergency Custody Lawyers Tampa

Emergency Custody Lawyers Serving Tampa Bay If you've reached this page, it's likely that you are experiencing a high conflict child custody matter. Whether you need to file an emergency motion, or you're a party in this type of child custody lawsuit, Nilo J Sanchez & Associates PA Family Law & Divorce Attorneys can assist [...]

2024-03-26T20:19:09+00:00March 26th, 2024|child custody|1 Comment

Tampa Family Law Helpful Videos

Tampa Bay Family Law Topics & Videos Divorcing in Tampa Bay, Florida If you want to learn more about divorcing in Tampa Bay, we offer focused insight and general informational videos on a variety of divorce and marital law topics including: Prenuptial Agreements Contested Divorce Uncontested Divorce Divorcing & the Importance of Financial Disclosures  Florida [...]

2024-04-04T19:58:01+00:00December 12th, 2023|Family Law Attorneys Tampa FL|0 Comments

Changes to Florida Family Law 2023

There have been recent changes to Florida Family Law that may effect your future or present divorce or family law case. We address these new laws briefly below. If you have questions or concerns about how the new  child custody and alimony laws may affect you, please contact Tampa Family Law Attorneys , Nilo J [...]

Enforcement of Family Law Court Orders in Tampa Bay

Enforcement of Final Judgements Tampa Family Law Florida law enables the court to provide an array of legal remedies for non-compliance of family law orders. Both civil and criminal contempt may be possible should a party be found not to be in compliance with the court's order. Reach out to our law firm if you [...]

2023-06-06T21:50:47+00:00June 6th, 2023|Family Law Attorneys Tampa FL|1 Comment

Florida Contested Divorce Process & PEACE

How Contested Divorces are Settled  in Tampa Bay Florida Law governs what must be settled in a contested divorce in Florida. It may not seem like much until you get to the negotiating table. It is there that even uncontested divorces sometimes become contested, and where couples who were initially "amicable" become less than cooperative [...]

Proof of Dissipation of Assets in a Tampa Bay Divorce

Proof of Dissipation of Assets in a Tampa Bay Divorce If you're divorcing or considering divorce in Tampa Bay, you may be concerned about your spouse hiding marital assets or otherwise spending recklessly. Under Florida law, wasteful dissipation of assets refers to unjustified wasting of marital assets through unreasonable spending, gambling, gifts, unnecessary borrowing or [...]

2022-11-22T16:10:17+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Tampa divorce|0 Comments

Alimony & Getting Your Divorce Settlement Right the First Time

Florida Alimony Reform and Your Divorce Settlement If you've been contemplating a divorce in Tampa Bay but you were waiting to see if the alimony laws in Florida would pass, wait no more. Read: FAQ Florida Alimony 2023 It has been several years now that Florida alimony reform groups sought to eliminate permanent alimony on [...]

Parenting Plans & Florida Law

Parenting Plans and Florida Law Florida Statutes require that parents of minor children who are divorcing or who are unmarried and seeking to establish legal paternity agree to a parenting plan. Parenting plans are meant to lay out the specifics of timesharing and parental responsibilities. A well written parenting plan can and should include [...]

2024-09-20T17:44:44+00:00March 18th, 2022|child custody|0 Comments