Emergency Custody Lawyers Tampa

Emergency Custody Lawyers Serving Tampa Bay If you've reached this page, it's likely that you are experiencing a high conflict child custody matter. Whether you need to file an emergency motion, or you're a party in this type of child custody lawsuit, Nilo J Sanchez & Associates PA Family Law & Divorce Attorneys can assist [...]

2024-03-26T20:19:09+00:00March 26th, 2024|child custody|1 Comment

Changes to Florida Family Law 2023

There have been recent changes to Florida Family Law that may effect your future or present divorce or family law case. We address these new laws briefly below. If you have questions or concerns about how the new  child custody and alimony laws may affect you, please contact Tampa Family Law Attorneys , Nilo J [...]

Parenting Plans & Florida Law

Parenting Plans and Florida Law Florida Statutes require that parents of minor children who are divorcing or who are unmarried and seeking to establish legal paternity agree to a parenting plan. Parenting plans are meant to lay out the specifics of timesharing and parental responsibilities. A well written parenting plan can and should include [...]

2024-09-20T17:44:44+00:00March 18th, 2022|child custody|0 Comments

Contesting a Petition for Relocation with a Minor Child in Florida

Supplemental Petition for Relocation of a Minor Child If you've been served with a Supplemental Petition for Relocation of a Minor Child and wish to contest it, it is very important to note that relocation cases can be very difficult to navigate alone. If you do not answer the petition within the 20 days, it [...]

Florida Guardian ad Litems & Child Custody

When are Guardian ad Litems Used in Child Custody Cases in Florida? In Florida, litigants in a child custody case can request an appointment of a Guardian ad Litem or (GAL) by the courts. Frequently utilized in high conflict child custody cases, a judge has the power to approve the appointment of a GAL and [...]

2022-09-01T19:47:11+00:00June 21st, 2021|child custody|1 Comment

Tampa Bay Child Custody Attorneys for Unmarried Parents

Tampa Bay Child Custody Attorneys for Unmarried Parents If you are an unmarried parent in Tampa Bay, you can count on Nilo J Sanchez & Associates to fight for resolve in your child custody and timesharing matters. If you're experiencing a high conflict co-parenting situation, it will be highly beneficial to hire an experienced Tampa [...]

2021-07-21T14:13:55+00:00May 10th, 2021|child custody|0 Comments

Parental Rights, Custody & Timesharing

Tampa Family law Attorneys Nilo J Sanchez & Associates represent clients who have high conflict timesharing & child custody matters that require sound solutions and resolve.  We represent parents who are experiencing family law matters that require knowledgeable, experienced child custody attorneys in Pasco, Hillsborough & Pinellas County, FL. Tampa FL Family Law,  Child Custody/Timesharing [...]

Tampa Florida Jurisdictional Issues & Parental Relocation

Florida Jurisdictional Issues & Parental Relocation Unmarried Parents, Relocation with a Minor Child Out of State Relocating with a minor child in Florida is a hot topic, especially given that Florida is such a transient state for many. With an increasing number of unmarried parents in Florida, mother's having sole parental responsibility and custody is [...]

2023-06-30T19:48:41+00:00May 20th, 2019|child custody|3 Comments