Do Collaborative Divorces Have Better Outcomes?

Collaborative Divorce, Tampa Bay If you're wondering if a collaborative divorce might be the right choice for you, Tampa divorce Attorney Nilo J Sanchez provides some basic fundamentals in the collaborative divorce process. A collaborative property settlement agreement usually results in very positive endings. This can help couples move forward to a new chapter in [...]

2024-05-22T21:35:16+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Tampa divorce|0 Comments

Alimony & Getting Your Divorce Settlement Right the First Time

Florida Alimony Reform and Your Divorce Settlement If you've been contemplating a divorce in Tampa Bay but you were waiting to see if the alimony laws in Florida would pass, wait no more. Read: FAQ Florida Alimony 2023 It has been several years now that Florida alimony reform groups sought to eliminate permanent alimony on [...]