Parenting Plans & Florida Law

Parenting Plans and Florida Law Florida Statutes require that parents of minor children who are divorcing or who are unmarried and seeking to establish legal paternity agree to a parenting plan. Parenting plans are meant to lay out the specifics of timesharing and parental responsibilities. A well written parenting plan can and should include [...]

2024-09-20T17:44:44+00:00March 18th, 2022|child custody|0 Comments

Non-Payment of Court Ordered Spousal Support

Non Payment of Court Ordered Spousal Support In Florida, alimony or spousal support has been a contentious topic for some time now. Both men and women can be ordered to pay alimony, and women who are ordered to pay their ex-husband alimony, is consistently on the rise. The amount, type and duration of spousal support [...]