Alimony Modifications in Florida

In Florida, most types of alimony are modifiable, however, you must show a substantial and permanent change in circumstances. Because of this, when divorcing in Florida, it’s very important for your Tampa divorce lawyer to get it right the first time. Properly negotiating alimony through MSA’s or litigation is imperative to secure your future.

Modifying Alimony in Tampa Bay, Florida

In Florida, Either spouse can petition the courts for an upward or downward modification of alimony. Your attorney must prove to the courts that the circumstance leading to a request for either an increase or decrease in alimony was not present when your alimony was first awarded and ordered. The circumstances for an alimony modification must be a substantial change that is involuntary, material and permanent as indicated in the Florida Statutes.

Circumstances that may Support Alimony Modifications

  • Health and medical issues or access to medical insurance
  • Salary changes, raises, demotions
  • Unanticipated Retirement
  • Unanticipated or Involuntary Extended Period of Unemployment
  • Gifts or inheritances
  • Lottery Winnings
  • Other involuntary long term reasons that effect inability to pay
  • Change in finances, health status of the recipient of spousal support
  • Disability of either party

The list above shows examples of circumstances that may be considered when petitioning the courts for modification of alimony. There are various other reasons that would support a modification with case law, supporting both increases and decreases of alimony.
Whether you are making a claim for modification of alimony in Tampa Bay or if you are a defending against a petition for modification, it is crucial to hire an experienced attorney to represent you. Attorney Sanchez has extensive knowledge and skill in both negotiating alimony terms in marital settlement agreements (MSA’s) as well as litigating alimony awards and modifications.

Alimony Arrearages in Tampa Florida

If you are having financial difficulties associated with paying or receiving your court ordered alimony, it will be highly beneficial to consult with Tampa family law attorney, Nilo J. Sanchez. Attorney Sanchez will provide you with an honest assessment of your case, and lends sound legal counsel and focused representation for those who need to modify or enforce alimony in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas County, Florida.